Sunday, September 7, 2014

Sid the Seed

In Science, we have learned about the germination process. Students took part in planting their own seeds, watching them grow, and analyzing the results. We have discussed that germinate is a fancy word for "grow". The following video was an educational story that illustrated the concept for the students perfectly.

The students enjoyed this video as well. It showed them the process in fast forward.


Seize4change said...

I really appreciated this creative story about Sid the Seed to illustrate the growth process of seeding or the lack of growth when the seed does not come out of it's comfort zone in order to grow. It made me think of something dear to my heart and that is the way many schools within this district don't truly embrace inclusion for special ed students because I don't think many educators believe children from special ed can succeed in the general ed environment. Just think if administrators and other educators took this story to heart and allowed the Special Ed seeds to truly grow into something new rather than play the safe game of segregated settings believing this is the best place for their learning. I believe everyone would learn what these students can blossom into. Just like Sid when he realized how he was being held back and then feeling isolated because his friends embraced the new. He started the process watering then taking in the sun and grew into a beautiful tree. We have so many ungrown trees in our Special Ed classrooms because they are not being encouraged for a true new way to grow. AF

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